Road Trip In India



Download maps beforehand. - mark important spots like hosital, petro pumps, retaurants, bio breaks
Refuel when less than 50%
Chewing gums - staying alert
200-300 KMs/day - depending on quality of roads
Awareness about local rules - tinted windows not allowed in certain states
Full sleeves clothes - to avoid sunburn in summer
Avoid target driving - for example, targetting to reach destination by 2PM


Big spanner, pepper spray - in case get assualted?
Multiple SIMs
Finishing driving before sunset
Wear seatbelt while driving - all passenger
Check tyre pressure regularly - but before the journey starts. The pressure increases because of heat during driving and might be misleading
Local contacts - in case of emergency
Classic phones - lasts longer
Jerry can - for fuel

Better Experience

Book hotel only for the first night
Carry food, snacks, water, fruits, knifes & dustbin
Activity books for kids
Induction cooktop + pan - might be useful for kids
Extra water bottles
Stay hydrated - avoid oily food
Tea bags, milk powder for tea!
Dry fruits
Playlist for everyone
Car inflatable beds - safety concern?
Power Bank


First Aid
ORS + Medicines for motion sickness
Mosquito repellant (especially if going to rural areas)
Wet wipes
Toilet seat sanitizer

🚗 driving distance/day ~200K
🚗 not driving every day
🚗 mix of new and unexplored places
🚗 driving only during the day
🚗 flexible with plan - stay longer if we like the place
🚗 have insurance with Road Side Assistance