Quant Flexi Cap Fund
- Ref
- investing in a portfolio of Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap companies
- Entry Load - Nil; Exit Load - 1% if redeemed within 15 Days
- When you invest for five years or more, you can expect gains that comfortably beat the inflation rate as well as returns from fixed income options. But be prepared for ups and downs in your investment value along the way. (from VR)
- 5 year returns have been 30% (is that CAGR or absolute returns?)
Capital Gains Taxation
- If the mutual fund units are sold after 1 year from the date of investment, gains upto Rs 1 lakh in a financial year are exempt from tax. Gains over Rs 1 lakh are taxed at the rate of 10%.
- If the mutual fund units are sold within 1 year from the date of investment, entire amount of gain is taxed at the rate of 15%.
- No tax is to be paid as long as you continue to hold the units.
Dividend Taxation
- Dividends are added to the income of the investors and taxed according to their respective tax slabs. Further, if an investor's dividend income exceeds Rs. 5,000 in a financial year, the fund house also deducts a TDS of 10% before distributing the dividend.
Quant Small Cap Fund
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund