Mark 6


and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish.

In the miracle where Jesus feeds the 5,000, we often miss a crucial detail: Jesus asks the disciples to collect the breadcrumbs, the leftovers. He doesn't let anything go waste. When they gather up the leftovers, we see that all His disciples are fed. God's miracles and providence are enough for everyone. We have plenty, but we waste it. We don't gather or share it with those in need. Instead, we hoard or squander it.

Imagine if we collected everything, even the scraps; we could feed al the apostles. Today, donations and offerings to churches are more than enough to support all pastors and ministers in a country if only we didn't waste or hoard them. What do we see instead? People buy more vehicles, bigger houses, and in doing so, they either hoard or waste resources. If they supported others by not wasting, there would be enough for everyone.

Within churches too, if we didn't waste things and collected even the breadcrumbs, it would be more than enough to support everyone. So, look around your house—are you wasting things? Think about it. If you gathered all those scraps, it would be more than sufficient to feed everyone. This is something we need to ponder.
