Digital Gardens
I'm using Digital Gardens Obsidian Plugin to publish these notes from Obsidian. The notes are published on Vercel. Reasons why I like this method than the earlier ones I tried:
- It is an Obsidian plugin, which means I can publish from within Obsidian itself
- It supports sidebar, backlinks, and has many other features.
- I can use two different git repository — one for my notes and another as base for publish pipelines
- I can customize the template with:
- I've added plausible analytics and a footer using this. You can view the analytics for this site here:
- Updating the template
- Follow the process here:
- If you encounter a vercel error 'All checks failed' and you are on free tier of vercel, possibly you have exhausted your 100 builds a day quota. Wait for the next day and vercel pipeline should pick up everything again.
- I'm looking to host on an alternate platform sometime in the near future using this:
What I wish was different
- As of now, there are instructions to publish only via github and vercel. I wish I can use other ones like cloudflare pages or gitlab pages
- I wish I can automate publishing. Right now I can publish only from within Obsidian itself, which means I need access to my Mac.
- If you want to hide the properties in mobile app, set Settings → Editor / Display → Properties to Hide
- If you want to auto-commit your changes to your repository, include a cron. As an example:
*/10 * * * * (cd /commonlog && git add . && git commit -m "Auto Commit" && git push) > /dev/null 2>&1
- Every 10 min, this will cd into a directory named
, add files, commit with a message, and push to remote repository
- Every 10 min, this will cd into a directory named
Earlier attempts
I used a jekyll based tool earlier. It works well too. You can try that.
If you are looking for historical examples, Wikipedia has a list of published commonplace books and notes. Few others:
Digital Gardens around the world
(in no particular order)