30 days Javascript learning

Here's a 30-day plan to teach your kids JavaScript using Cursor AI, designed to motivate and teach them through hands-on, practical projects. Each day includes a learning concept and a small project that is both useful and educational, ensuring they remain engaged.

Week 1: JavaScript Basics & Interactive Websites

Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript

Day 2: Variables and Data Types

Day 3: Basic Operators & Expressions

Day 4: Functions

Day 5: Conditional Statements

Day 6: Loops

Day 7: Arrays

Week 2: DOM Manipulation & Events

Day 8: Introduction to the DOM

Day 9: Events & Event Listeners

Day 10: Forms & Validation

Day 11: Arrays with Loops

Day 12: More on DOM Manipulation

Day 13: Simple Animations

Day 14: Review Day

Week 3: Building Interactive Web Apps

Day 15: Introduction to Objects

Day 16: Methods in Objects

Day 17: JSON & APIs (Basics)

Day 18: Introduction to Local Storage

Day 19: Building a Quiz App (Part 1)

Day 20: Building a Quiz App (Part 2)

Day 21: Review Day

Week 4: Advanced Concepts & Final Project

Day 22: Introduction to ES6 Features

Day 23: Working with Dates and Time

Day 24: Introduction to Fetch and Promises

Day 25: Error Handling

Day 26: Building a Simple To-Do App (Final Project Part 1)

Day 27: Final Project (Part 2)

Day 28: Final Project (Part 3)

Day 29: Presentation Day

Day 30: Wrap-Up and Next Steps