2024 Weekly Notes

Week Notes 24.48

Week Notes 24.47

Week Notes 24.46

Week Notes 24.42

Week Notes 24.41

Van Gogh, Emily Dickinson, Nikola Tesla, and many others stuck to their independent way of thinking and working, often staying out of the spotlight. In their time, they weren’t respected or admired like they are now. If they were alive today, they probably wouldn’t care about social media or chasing trends—they’d still focus on doing things their own way. Am I willing to follow that path too? Think independently, shape and run your race without a care for applause of the crowd.

Week Notes 24.40

Week Notes 24.39

Week Notes 24.38

Week Notes 24.37

In the days of GenAI, only data and customer experience will differentiate companies.

Quote I'm thinking these days

The secret to being a private person is to overshare dumb shit so people think you are an open book but then not tell them any of the important details of your life.

Week Notes 24.36


Week Notes 24.35


Why I like the quote: If you want to develop independent thinking, you need to read what other's aren't reading.

Week Notes 24.34

What I learned

Week Notes 24.33


Week Notes 24.32

Week Notes 24.31

You don't get what you desire. Or what you deserve. You only get what you fight for - Ptr. Joel

That quote hit me hard. At this age, what am I willing to fight for?